Ben's Computer
I'm workin on a Apple PowerMacintosh 6100/66 with 16 MB of RAM (uh, not enough). It's a nice machine. I have a 486 DX Mainboard installed -- but I don't need it realy. It's just for havin' some fun... (Always remember: Don't support HIM!!)

If you want to know something about the BIG trial around MSN go there: U.S. vs. Microsoft

Next to my PPC I have an old, slow, dirty but wounderfull MacPlus with 1 MB of RAM. No Harddisk, just a 800k floppy. He is connected with the PPC via AppleTalk. Sometimes it is good to have such an old machine if you want to run old, I mean very old Programs like TurboPascal 1.0.

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copyright by Benjamin Biermann 1995